Despite their primitive English writing skills, my students are able to express profound thoughts and feelings in their essays. When I asked them to write about their favorite movie, TV show or book, these were some of their insights:

The Shawshank Redemption: “Hope is a good thing. No matter how difficult it is, we can’t give up the hope. Hope can give us power and help succeed us.’’

Dad, Where Are We Going?: “It’s a TV life show about five fathers and their children. In fact, it’s so difficult for fathers to take good care of their children because they are always busy in daily life. They often make mistakes, such as making wrong dress or cooking bad dinner.’’

Sleepless in Seattle: “The whole movie express some visions of love to us. The hero Sam is desperately lonely after his wife passed away. And he believe that he won’t fall in love again with anyone anymore because one just can love once in his whole life.’’

Meteor Shower:  “I believe music can comfort our hearts. Music become my best friend when I feel lonely.’’

The Chorus: “When I have seen the movie, my heart was warm. Though it was at night, I still feeling sunshine full of the room.’’

Love in the Time of Cholera: “From this movie, I feel the loyalty in love. I think the true love is that it can’t be weaken and changed with the time.’’


Homeless to Harvard: “The film tells me that man’s life can be changed with their hands. If we have a dream, we should keep on it.’’

Because of You: “I think this song describes children’s thought very well. They hate to see parents’ quarrels and they expect a warm family. I hope when parents have some arguments for something, they can decrease the hurt of their children.’’

The Old Man and the Sea: “From the book I learned that a man may be destroyed, but his courage can never be destroyed.’’