Chinese men prefer virgin brides, so some “impure’’ women resort to trickery.

They use an artificial hymen, a prosthetic membrane that simulates the real thing. When properly inserted, it supposedly feels natural and even squirts a blood-like liquid when pressure is applied. According to the advertisements, it’s like regaining your virginity.

From what I’ve read on the Internet, it’s a bit of a scam. In a hilarious first-person story last year for New York magazine, Leah Beckmann described her personal product test with her boyfriend, which resulted in a flood of red food dye that made  “our crotches look like the inside of a lava lamp.’’

Not everyone is amused. In 2009, when fundamentalist Egyptian lawmakers learned that the $30 devices were being imported into the country from China, they called for a ban of the product and the arrest of anyone selling it on the black market.

Don’t know where they stand on fake orgasms.


Henan University’s basketball team held its first practice yesterday, and I volunteered to help the coach. Only eight players showed up, so we stuck to some basic shooting, passing and dribbling drills. I asked the coach (he has no assistants) about the team’s schedule, and he said there was none. Games are arranged on an ad hoc basis, and they’re played at whatever gym is available. Not exactly Duke-Carolina.


Like all “Breaking Bad’’ fans, I’ll be sad to see the series end. But I’m confident that creator Vince Gilligan will give Walter White the ignominious sendoff he deserves – either dying of cancer, getting killed by one of the loved ones he destroyed or maybe rotting in prison waiting for his disease to finish him off. It’s not over when you say it’s over, Walt. It’s over when Vince says it is. And on Sunday, it’s over.